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The three toughest things online home-schoolers experience are:

  • developing a proper structure or schedule of study;
  • finding support when they have questions;
  • and the lack of social interaction and co-working with other learners.

Our Facilitated Learning Centre addresses all of these needs, under the guidance of an experienced team led by PhD, Ivy League graduates, backed by a team of carefully selected and trained tutors.


We take a cooperative approach with our attending families to create a safe, friendly and homely atmosphere conducive to learning. We bring our expertise with the academic process; while they know their children best.

Learners register with our Facilitated Learning Centre for a supervised and strongly supported programme of study, regardless of where they are enrolled. A senior Centre Manager is on site and responsible for operations (and some icebreaking activities and the First Aid kit!).

A Facilitating Tutor is in attendance during hours of operation to review each learner’s attendance of online classes with their institution of record and making sure their assignments are up to date. There is also assistance with questions relating to schoolwork.

We follow the Western Cape school calendar and are open 08h30-13h00
Mondays to Fridays.

Monthly attendance costs R4,500. The Chapel Lane Academy’s own learners pay R3,750.


We are ‘programme agnostic’, meaning that students co-working at our Centre can be enrolled with any online institution of their choice.

We have worked with learners enrolled with Teneo, Cambrilearn, Wingu, UCT Online, Wolsey Hall Oxford, Thinkdigital and others, including students enrolled with our own, very bespoke Cambridge programme of study through The Chapel Lane Academy.

Our learners range between ages 12-18.


Over the past 7 years, Dr Tanya Goodman (PhD, Yale) and Dr Charl du Plessis (PhD, UVA; MBA, Yale), developed South Africa’s most reputable programme for learners in pursuit of their online Cambridge qualifications. With a team of qualified teachers that includes several PhD’s with many years of experience, The Chapel Lane Academy offers live, online classes of no more than 5-8 students per class. Our programme’s reputation is built on its high level of instant support, well-structured methodology and exceptional care for each learner’s circumstance and needs.

Parallel to that, we established the Fastclass Tutoring division for learners in the Southern Suburbs, where our team of 80 trained tutors support Grades 4-12 across all subjects. Working in-person at 88 Campground Road (and also on-line with families as far as Europe, the Middle East and the rest of the African continent), we have supported many students enrolled with other online content providers and have real understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each of these programmes.

Our Facilitated Learning Centre in Rondebosch was launched specifically to address the needs of some of our own Chapel Lane students and other online students in the area.

Our network of professional service providers includes educational psychologists, career and other counsellors, occupational therapists and the Neurodiversity Institute.